Abortion Worker Outreach
How can abortions be performed if all facility employees quit? That’s the idea of the abortion worker outreach! You can share knowledge, love, and a supporting hand to help them. You can do this through mailings and sidewalk counseling! Use this event guide to help you and your group reach out to abortion workers while out on the sidewalk.
Step 1
Letter Outreach - gather supplies and assemble letters.
- Collect letters, envelopes, markers, pens, and stationary or paper.
- You can also print cards and messages from abortionworker.com.
- Speak to your group about the importance of reaching out to abortion workers. Again, use the site abortionworker.com for stories and resources.
- Write cards and address them to abortion doctors and local abortion facilities. Find their names and abortion facilities here:Â http://abortiondocs.org/
Step 2
Facility Outreach - Pick a facility and sidewalk counsel.
- Ask your Regional Coordinator about Sidewalk Counseling trainings.
- There may be multiple facilities in your area. Choose one that your members want to go to and research which days abortions are performed.
- Check what kind of access you will have to the women arriving for their appointments and check city ordinances so that you know your rights as a sidewalk counselor. Note: never block the entrance to the facility. Â
- Some facilities already have full coverage of sidewalk counselors organized by other organizations. Check with local organizations in the area to see if they are going to the facility and let them know that you’ll be joining them. They may have materials for you to use while you’re there.
- Ask anyone that has gone through the training when they will be available to counsel on the chosen day. You may all choose to go at once or you may want to spread out the times so that you can cover the facility all day. If someone has not done the training or is uncomfortable with counseling, encourage them to come and pray in front of the facility. Never go by yourself. Always have at least two people go together at a time.
- Bonus: Use chalk! Put chalked messages around the abortion facility, especially where workers park (if you can legally access that area). “We can help you find another job,” “abortionworker.com” etc. Stick to kind messages. They will be more likely to reach out for help if you can build a relationship.
Five Point Method – Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Smile and greet in love.
Give literature and explain the help.
Ask and listen to her.
Solve the perceived problem.
Empower her to leave.
Sidewalk Counseling Do's:
- Pray for guidance.
- Be peaceful and helpful.
- Smile and be pleasant.
- Have compassion.
- Stay vigilant.
- Bring and know your literature.
- Back up what you say.
- Stand side by side with the person.
- Show her you care about her.
- Project your voice.
- Have one-on-one conversations.
Sidewalk Counseling Don'ts:
- Yell.
- Cross your arms or appear grumpy.
- Block the entry.
- Wear a pro-life t-shirt.
- Be aggressive.
- Evangelize.
- Touch the person.
- Break the law.
- Carry a sign.
- Have multiple people talking to one person.
- Goof around.
SFLA Resources to Request from your Regional Coordinator:
- “Planned Parenthood” info cards
- “Fetal Development” info cards
- "Do You See Me Now" info card
Email [yourstate]@studentsforlife.org to connect with your SFLA Regional Coordinator!

Request a Training From Your Regional Coordinator
Click here to request the "Industry Impact" training, or the "Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Business" training for this event from your Regional Coordinator.

Signup Sheet
Download your signup sheet to get members signed up to counsel today!
Other Industry Impact Event Ideas
Log into SFLAHQ for more resources to Take Down the Abortion Industry!
- Planned Parenthood Display
- Abortion Worker Outreach
- Close a Local Abortion Facility
- Sidewalk Counseling
- Prayer Vigil
- Organize a Protest
- and many more!