

Flyers, event guides, meeting ideas, and more! Access free resources to help you and your group thrive.

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Standing With You

General Flyers

Click the image to download the flyer.

Use these general flyers to recruit more students to your mission. The more the merrier!

Tip: Make sure these flyers are especially visible at the beginning of the school year.


Recruitment Tips 

Sign Up Sheet 

Leadership Tips 

Activism Brochure 

Standing With You Flyers

Click the image to download the flyer.

Spreading pregnancy resources is a great way to show a woman in crisis that she can do it! We want her to feel empowered to finish her education and have her child.

Tip: Tear-off flyers work well in bathrooms!

Tear Off Resource Flyer (women)

Tear Off Resource Flyer (men)

Campus Resource Flyer (black and white)

Campus Resource Flyer (color)

Title IX Flyer 

Tear Off Title IX Flyer

Pregnant on Campus Bill of Rights

Tear Off Abortion Pill Reversal Flyer 

How to Create Blessing Bags and "Dear Friend" Letters

"Dear Friend" Letter (magenta)

"Dear Friend" Letter (purple)

"Dear Friend" Letter (teal)

Educational Flyers

Click the image to download the flyer.

Chemical Abortion 

Fetal Development 

Plan B

Chemical Abortion StoriesÂ