Education & Inspiration Social Media Graphics 

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Click here to download a zip file of social media graphics on IVF to help start your conversations!

Abortion always involves two bodies. Abortion supporters think that the stronger of those two bodies should get to do whatever they want to the weaker one... and that is the mindset of a bully.

First trimester babies are the most commonly aborted. They are much more than a "clump of cells." They are unique humans from the moment of fertilization.

Abortion is never the compassionate option. 
Choose #LOVE. 
Choose #LIFE.

The death toll of abortion is huge. And we need to talk about it.

Abortion is abortion, no matter what. We need to have compassion for women in difficult circumstances, help them choose life, and seek the best life for their family. 

Abortion is not a cure to pregnancy. Abortion is never medically necessary. Abortion is not healthcare.

Abortion is not essential. Abortion is not healthcare.

Dogs have puppies. Cats have kittens. Humans have human babies. 

And human babies deserve to be treated like humans. 

Your stage of human development does not determine your worth. "Fetus" is a stage in human development, just like adult, child, teenager, toddler, & elderly!

We need to protect lives of the innocent, and make abortion socially UNACCEPTABLE.

When life begins, there is a distinct set of DNA created. 

Pro-life is pro-science.

The violence of abortion stops an innocent beating heart.  

Late-term abortions are often done by giving the baby a massive heart attack before delivering him or her whole (or in pieces). 

Pregnancy Resource Centers SAVE LIVES! Find your local center to volunteer, donate, or find pregnancy & parenting support with @stadningwithyou 

MYTH: America's pro-life laws are extreme & barbaric compared to the rest of the world. 

FACT: America's pro-ABORTION laws are extreme & barbaric compared to the rest of the world. 

Preborn human beings are human beings.

Preborn human beings are human beings.